Nos adhérents et formateurs

Delia Elena NEDA

Consiliere folosind Metoda ESPERE®

(English below)
Sunt practician si formator in Metoda ESPERE® acreditat de Institutul ESPERE International si aceasta este cea mai profunda si hranitoare realizare a mea.

Pana la 40 de ani am tot rascolit prin diverse carti, tehnici, metode sau terapii sa imi gasesc raspuns la intrebarile care imi macinau sufletul si noptile. Sa mi se dea o reteta. Sa ii indrept pe ceilalti, astfel incat sa pot fi fericita alaturi de ei, fara sa inteleg de fapt in mod profund cum as putea fi eu fericita fara a ii schimba pe cei din jur.

Am trait agitata mult prea multa vreme.

Pana cand, odata cu descoperirea si integrarea metodei ESPERE®, viata mea a inceput sa infloreasca.

Am invatat cum sa traiesc fara stres, sa am relatii echilibrate care imi aduc bucurie, sa indraznesc sa cer, sa ma exprim, sa refuz, sa ma pozitionez, sa ma ascult, sa ma bucur, sa ma iubesc.

In ESPERE®, in fiece clipa, atat eu, cat si cel de la capatul esarfei cu care imi pot reprezenta relatia ne ascultam. In liniste. Fiecare. Nezoriti. Cu onestitate. Ca apoi sa purcedem in "a comunica". Adica sa punem in comun. Sa ma "expun" in fata celuilalt. Cu ce am, cu ce vreau, cu ce vin acum si din trecut. Fara sa ii vorbesc despre el. Ci doar despre mine. Mereu despre mine. Si sa ii creez spatiu pentru ca si el sa mi se expuna apoi. Sa ne vorbim despre nevoile noastre, despre placeri, dorinte sau rani. Sa ascultam si sa nu judecam. Sa fim alaturi dar nu peste sau sub.

Cu ajutorul Metodei ESPERE® ating niste zone sensibile din mine prin vizualizari. Ajung la carne vie. La carnea MEA vie. Care e mai vie ca oricand si care nu mai arata ca o rana sangeranda, cum a aratat pana la 35 de ani. Ci ca un tesut care palpita de viata. De viata de-adevaratelea. Nu cea visata de altii pentru mine. Nu cea impusa de altii. Nu cea gresit imaginata si stramb croita de mine pentru a nu supara sau chiar a-i multumi. Ci viata MEA.

In ESPERE® atat eu, cat si celalalt, avem propriile nevoi relationale. De care, daca nu ne ingrijim, riscam sa ne trezim cu relatii impietrite. Si avem, de asemenea, punctul de intalnire dintre noi, cel de la jumatatea esarfei, acolo unde este VAMA pana la care aducem ce simtim ca merita relatia aceea. Si, desi suntem coresponsabili de calitatea marfurilor vamuite, iata ca acolo este chiar locul de unde pleaca si magie, si scantei. Care in noi nasc si extaz, si agonie...

ESPERE® a aparut in viata mea pentru a imi arata din ce material minunat sunt plamadita si sa ma ajute sa imi sculptez aceasta DELIE-DE-FAPT. Pe care o iubesc mai mult decat oricand.

Iti pot impartasi Metoda ESPERE®. Imi doresc sa las in plan secund cariera mea impresionanta de pana acum si sa ma dedic consilierii. Fac deja consiliere din anul 2018. Si pun atat de multa pasiune si daruire in sedintele individuale si workshopuri, incat energia creata alaturi de fiecare dintre participanti este tot ce pot eu sa ofer mai bun!

Esti gata sa iti regasesti fericirea?

Scrie-mi un mesaj pe whatsapp la 0728226606! Eu sunt gata sa te acompaniez.

I am a practitioner and trainer in ESPERE® Method, having received the certification by ESPERE International Institute and this is my most profound and nourishing achievement.
Up to the age of 40, I had kept digging through various books, techniques, methods or therapies to find answers to the questions that were grinding my soul and my nights. Waiting for someone to give me a recipe. Guiding the others, so that I can be happy with them, without really understanding how I could be happy without changing the people around me.
I had lived restless for far too long.
And then my life began to blossom once I’ve discovered and integrated ESPERE® Method.
I learned how to live without stress, to have balanced relationships that bring me joy, to dare to ask, to express myself, to refuse, to stand up straight, to listen to myself, to be happy, to love myself.
ESPERE® tought me that both I and the other person (each holding one end of the scarf representing our relationship) are carefully listening to their own. Quietly. Each inside of himself. Unrushed. With honesty. So that we can then proceed to "communicate" (which means „to put together in the middle”). To "expose" myself in front of the other. With what I have, what I want, what I bring now and from the past. Without talking to him about him. But only about me. Always about myself. And to create a space for him so that he can expose himself to me later. To talk about our needs, pleasures, desires or wounds. To listen without judging. To be together not above or under.
Using ESPERE® Method, I unreveal the sensitive spots of myself through external visualizations. I reach my own flesh. Myself like a flesh. I find this flesh to be more alive than ever and not looking as a bleeding wound anymore, as it used to, until my age of 35. But like a tissue pulsating with life. The real life. Not the one dreamed by others for me. Not the one imposed to me by others. Not the one wrongly imagined and crookedly tailored by me so as not to upset the others or to please them. But my own life.
In ESPERE®, both I and the other have our own relational needs. And if we don't take care of them, we might wake up with frozen relationships. And we also have the meeting point between us, the one in the middle of the scarf, which represents the CUSTOMS, the point where we bring what we feel that the relationship deserves. And, although we are co-responsible for the quality of the customs goods we trade, that is the place where magic and sparks are born. The place which gives rise to ecstasy and agony in us...
ESPERE® appeared in my life to show me the wonderful fabric I am made of and to help me sculpt this REAL-DELIA. Which I love more than ever.
I can share the ESPERE® Method with you. I want to leave behind my other impressive career and devote myself to counseling. I've been counseling since 2018. And I put so much passion and dedication into the individual sessions and workshops, that the energy created with each of the participants is the best I can offer!
Are you ready to find your happiness?
Send me a message via whatsapp at +40728226606! I am ready to assist you.

Contact :

Téléphone : +40 728 226606
Portable : +40 728 226606
E-mail :
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Adresse :

Bd Eroilor nr. 45, etaj 1
077130 Voluntari, jud. Ilfov (Roumanie)
Téléphone : +40 0728 226606

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